Quite curious as to how micro.blog handles sharing a video from YouTube.

So, you have to grab the iframe embed code as the straight URL doesn’t parse like it does on say WordPress, Twitter, Facebook, etc. It also doesn’t show in the firehose feed, it’s only shown as a video on your custom domain, there’s not even a link or any reference to it on the main feed, feels like it should at least show a link or something.

Giving micro.blog a new try, not that I really gave it an old try, but I’m feeling like this might be a better option than just running a WordPress installation… I’m also thinking about maybe integrating micro.blog with my WordPress install, however, I do like to use OwnYourSwarm and OwnYourGram, so maybe I need to think a little more about how all that should integrate together.

Dear Work, I’m staying in Fiji to become a professional drone pilot. Sorry for the short notice.

Great day out at Tivua Island. Finally got Travis to come out snorkeling with me, the very first fish we see is a Black Tip Reef Shark swimming straight at us, amazing! It was only a foot long, scared him silly though, he also got to see Clown Fish, Blue Trevally, plenty of Star Fish, and a whole bunch of other fish we couldn’t name 🦈 🐠 🐟

Lots of bleached reef out here, however, there’s still plenty of fish to see 🐠 🐟