Surviving on Strepsils, LemSip, and water currently. Nose is running like a tap, coughing and spluttering every couple of minutes. Good times! 🤒

Pretty much frustrated with everything at the moment. 🤷‍♂️

Who would you like to talk to soon?

My therapist. 🤯

If I had your gun in my hand, I’d be dead tonight, I have glorious plans

The Amity Affliction – Show Me Your God

The more I seem to put out there, the more I give the world and people in my sphere, the more they take. Makes sense…

But equally, the more I give, the less I’m offered and therefore the less I receieve.

It’s a shit equation.


Frustrating when you give someone advice, but not the answer they were hoping for, so they get offended and disagree. 🤷‍♂️