Category: Life
Looking north west from off of Carey Bay at the smoke from the NSW RFS hazard reduction burn at the old Cooranbong Colliery.
Hazy morning out on Lake Macquarie.
End of season stocktake complete! ✅
Surviving on Strepsils, LemSip, and water currently. Nose is running like a tap, coughing and spluttering every couple of minutes. Good times! 🤒
Pretty much frustrated with everything at the moment. 🤷♂️
Who would you like to talk to soon? My therapist. 🤯
“If I had your gun in my hand, I’d be dead tonight, I have glorious plans” The Amity Affliction – Show Me Your God
The more I seem to put out there, the more I give the world and people in my sphere, the more they take. Makes sense… But equally, the more I give, the less I’m offered and therefore the less I receieve. It’s a shit equation. 🖕
A bit of rain headed our way… 🛥️
No longer am I going above and beyond, not since it’s become expected and not valued.
I’m going to spend the next few days deleting myself from Meta properties, along with LinkedIn.
Time to withdraw for a while.